Arduino DAC

The Arduino has no integrated DAC; to create analog output values, we have to use the standard Arduino function analogWrite(). This creates a so called PWM DAC, a PWM signalwhich has to be filtered with a low-pass filter. However, the standard analogWrite() function is very slow, don’t use it anymore. We use the <TimerOne> Libary:



const int dacPin11 = 11;
const int dacPin12 = 12;
const int dacPin13 = 13;
void initVolt(){
 pinMode(dacPin11, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(dacPin12, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(dacPin13, OUTPUT);
 Timer1.pwm(dacPin11, 0);//Need to set value
 Timer1.pwm(dacPin12, 0);//Need to set value
 Timer1.pwm(dacPin13, 0);//Need to set value
void setVolt(double setV1,double setV2){
 //Values between 0-1024(0..5V)
 Timer1.setPwmDuty(dacPin11, setV1);
 Timer1.setPwmDuty(dacPin12, setV2); 

That’s it.



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